目的探讨子宫内膜异位症(Endometriosis,EM)患者腹腔液、异位内膜组织中单核细胞趋化蛋白-1(mon-ocyte chemotactic protein-1,MCP-1)、胰岛素样生长因子-I(Insulin-like growth factors-I,IGF-I)的变化在子宫内膜异位症发病及不孕中的作用。方法EM患者30例作为观察组,其中早期病例(Ⅰ-Ⅱ期)10例,晚期病例(Ⅲ-Ⅳ)20例;合并不孕症患者12例,非不孕症者18例。10例无内膜异位症者作为对照组。用酶联免疫检测(ELISA)方法测定两组腹腔液、内膜组织中的MCP-1、IGF-Ⅰ含量的变化。结果(1)内膜异位症组腹腔液、异位内膜组织中MCP-1、IGF-Ⅰ水平与对照组相比较有显著差异(P<0.01),且早期病例腹腔液MCP-1、IGF-Ⅰ水平及内膜组织MCP-1水平均明显高于晚期病例,差异显著(P<0.05)。(2)内异症合并不孕症患者腹腔液IGF-Ⅰ水平与非不孕症比较有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论内膜异位症患者腹腔液中MCP-1、IGF-Ⅰ的变化在子宫内膜异位症发病机制中具有一定作用。
Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the role of monocyte chemotactic protein -1 ( MCP - 1 ) and Insulin- like growth factors -Ⅰ (IGF-Ⅰ) in the endometriosis pathogenesis and infertile. Methods: Peritoneal fluid and ectopic endometrial tissues of 30 patients with endometriosis (10 early stage and 20 severe stage; 12 with infertility and 18 without infertility) and 10 no - endometriosis were obtained . The ELISA was employed to measured MCP - 1 and IGF -Ⅰ levels. Results: ( 1 ) The levels of MCP- 1and IGF -Ⅰ in the peritoneal fluid and ectopic endometrial tissues were significantly elevated in EM group as compared with those in control group (10cases) ( P 〈0.01) ; especially the levels of MCP-land IGF -Ⅰ of the peritoneal fluid and MCP - 1 level of ectopic endometrial tissues were significantly higher in early stages than those in severe stages ( P 〈0.05 ). (2) The level of peritoneal fluid IGF -Ⅰ was found to be significantly higher in patients with infertility than those of without infertility ( P〈0.05 ). Conclusion : Our results indicated that the changes of MCP -1 and IGF-Ⅰ may play some roles in the pathogenesis of endometriotic lesions.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity