黑猫焦化公司的焦化废水采用生化处理方式,因原系统工艺不合理且设施不全,致使出水质量差。改造后,系统通过水质调节、厌氧水解酸化、缺氧生物脱氮、好氧生物的硝化、泥水分离、混合反应、后混凝系统的沉淀及污泥压滤等工序逐级处理,污水得以净化,系统出水指标除氰化物外,均达到国家排放标准。COD、氨氮、酚去除率分别达到97.3% ̄98.6%、98% ̄100%、99% ̄100%。后混凝系统对CODcr的去除率约为30%。氰化物的去除效果有待进一步研究。
Biological treatment process is adopted for the waste water disposal of Heimao Coking Co., Ltd. Because of the irrationality and incomplete facilities of the process of the original system, the quality of the discharged water is poor. After modification, the waste water in the system is purified step by step through the processes, such as water quality regulation, anaerobic hydrolysis and acidification, anoxic biological denitrogenation, aerobic biological nitration, sludge and water separation, mixing reaction, sedimentation in the post-coagulation sludge, filter pressing and so on. Except cyanide, the indexes of the water discharged from the system conform to the national standard of discharged waster water. The removing rates of COD, ammonia nitrogen and phenol are 97.3%-98.6%, 98%-100% and 99%-100% respectively. The removing rate of CODcr of post-coagulation system is about 30%. The cyanide removing result needs to be studied further.
Fuel & Chemical Processes
Coking waste water
Biological treatment
Existing problem
Modification and adjustment