
好气滤池与粗均滤料深床快滤池的性能比较 被引量:2

Performance comparison of aerobic filter and deep bed equal coarse ceramic filter
摘要 为提高滤池对有机物和氨氮的去除效果,在过滤过程中利用反冲洗供气管给滤床供氧,这样就形成了好气滤池.通过对比试验对好气滤池和粗均滤料深床快滤池的性能进行了比较.结果发现,好气滤池对进水水质的变化有良好适应性.总体来看,好气滤池对COD、氨氮、浊度和SS的去除效果要优于粗均滤料深床快滤池.进水水质越差,好气滤池与粗均滤料深床快滤池的性能差别越大.好气滤池的水头损失随时间的变化趋势与粗均滤料深床快滤池的基本相同.但是好气滤池的初始水头损失高,并且水头损失增长速率也大,粗均滤料深床快滤池的水头损失更多集中在滤床上部,而好气滤池的水头损失分布相对比较均匀.在相同操作条件下,好气滤池的过滤周期要小于粗均滤料深床快滤池. To improve the removal efficiency of organics and ammonia nitrogen by filtration in advanced wastewater treatment process, air was supplied to filter bed via backwashing air distribution pipes during filtration. This kind of filter was called aerobic filter (AF) in this article. Contrast tests were done between AF and deep bed equal coarse ceramic filter (DF) with the same influent, which was the secondary effluent of a municipal wastewater treatment plant in north China. Results showed that, AF had high flexibility for the quality variation of influent. Chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, turbidity and suspended solids in effluent of AF were lower than those in effluent of DF with the same influent during the most of test time. In contrast with DF, the worse the influent, the higher performance of AF was observed. Besides, the initial headloss of AF Was higher than that of GF and the headloss increasing rate was higher too. Most headloss was distributed at the top bed for GF while the headloss of AF was distributed evenly along the bed profile. At the same operation condition, AF consumed shorter run time than GF.
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期1979-1983,共5页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
基金 国家高技术发展计划重大专项资助项目(2003AA601010) 黑龙江省科技攻关项目(G00C180201)
关键词 好气滤池 性能评价 污水深度处理 aerobic filter performance evaluation advanced wastewater treatment
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