根据研制的大口径、高场强的超导强磁装置的特点,选择基于LabVIEW的数据采集和测控系统。低温传感器共六支,分别安装于磁体氦槽和冷屏不同位置,其中碳电阻温度计Cernox三支,铂电阻温度计Pt100两支、Pt1000一只,用于监测磁体温度;超导氦液面计一个,用于监测氦液面高度;根据磁体参数匹配研制了一套可调励磁速率的磁体专用直流电源及其失超保护系统,保证磁体安全运行。所有数据通过NI公司内插DAQ6251数据采集卡的PX I采集,用LabVIEW编写数据采集程序和人机界面。
The superconducting magnet is a large caliber,high magnetic field device,The LabVIEW was selected as data acquisition and measure and control system. There are six low temperature sensors, installed in magnet helium vessel and cooling shield respectively, including three carbon resistance thermometer, two platinum resistance thermometer Pt100 and one Pt1000, which are applied to observe the temperature of magnet; There is a superconducting helium liquidometer, which is applied to observe the liquid helium level. Based magnet parameters, a set of DC power supply and the quench protection system are developed for the magnet so as to assure it operate safely. All data acquisition is by DAQ6251 that is inserted in PXI made in NI, data acquisition and human machine interface are programmed by LabVIEW.
Cryogenics and Superconductivity