The U. S. A. has recently enacted the Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006, which adopts a likelihood of dilution standard, abrogating the holding of V Secret. In addition, inter alia, the TDRA expressly endorses tarnishment and blurring as forms of dilution, tightens the fame prerequisite, clarifies that dilution protection is available for marks that have acquired distinctive- ness, and acknowledges, albeit in an oblique manner, that dilution protection is available for trade dress. Inprvovement notwithstanding, in comparison with the previous act, old problems remain. The central concepts in dilution law remain enigmatic, the future of dilution is somewhat still in limbo, leaving the courts with the responsibility - and the power - to delineate dilution's scope. Until independent rationales for dilution are articulated more precisely and connected to the contours of the implementing doctrine, it is likely that courts will receive the new version of dilution with the same skepticism that once led them to eviscerate the old law.
Presentday Law Science