
坚持以改革创新精神加强党的建设 不断提高党的自身现代化建设水平 被引量:2

Incorporate the Spirit of Reform and Innovation into Strengthening Party Building,Improve Party's Modernization in its Building
摘要 党的十七大报告提出:"党要站在时代前列带领人民不断开创事业发展新局面,必须以改革创新精神加强自身建设,始终成为中国特色社会主义事业的坚强领导核心",这就要求我们坚持以改革创新精神加强党的建设,不断推进党的自身建设的现代化。我们党作为社会经济政治发展的产物,作为国家政治上层建筑的重要组成部分,自身建设必须伴随时代发展和社会进步而改革创新,始终做到与时俱进,这是市场经济发展的必然要求,是公民社会兴起的本质要求,是高新科技革命的迫切要求,是革除自身弊端的内在要求,是跻身国际社会的客观要求。这就要求我们必须积极推进党的建设的改革创新,通过加快理论和观念创新、推进体制和制度改革、突出机制和程序制约、促进载体和措施更新,进一步提高党的主体素质和改革党的领导体制、执政方式、运作机制,努力实现党的意识形态科学化、队伍素质时代化、运行机制民主化和执政方式法制化,不断推进党的自身建设现代化水平,始终保持反映时代特征的先进性,更好地肩负起领导人民当家作主的执政使命。 The 17th Party's National Congress put forward in its report that "To stand in the forefront of the times and lead the people in opening up new prospects for the development of the cause, the Party must improve itself in a spirit of reform and innovation and stay as the firm core of leadership for this cause. " It requires us to incorporate the spirit of reform and innovation into strengthening Party building so as to improve its modernization in its building. Our Party, as a product of development in social economy and politics and a vital part of national superstructure, must reform itself and innovate with the progress of time and society and proceed with the times, which meets the requirements of market economy, the booming of civic society and hi - tech revolution, as well as the needs of abolishing self - weakness and ranking among international communities. It also requires us to expand Party building in reform and innovation, further improve the quality of major part in Party and reform the regimes in Party's leadership, administration and operation, through updating theories and concepts. In addition , we must strive for scientific ideology of Party members, the quality of Party group with time consciousness, democratic mechanism of operation and legalized process of administrative method, always maintain our vanguard nature with time characteristics, and keep to the position of the people as masters of the country, constantly improving Party's modernization in its building.
作者 马国钧 马萍
出处 《学术交流》 北大核心 2007年第12期1-9,共9页 Academic Exchange
关键词 中国共产党 党的现代化 党的建设 C. P. C. Party's modernization Party's building
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