2Paola Bollini.HIV In Prisons:A Reader with Particular Relevance to the Newly Independent States.WHO Regional Office for Europe,2001:2-3.
3UK AIDS and Human Rights Project(2005),Fact File 2:Prisoners'Rights and HIV:High-riskbehaviors and HIV Transmission in Prison(Available at http://www.aidsrightsproject.org.uk/publications/)
4UNAIDS/WHO Policy Statement on HIV Testing.Geneva:WHO,2004.http://www.who.int/hiv/pub/vct/en/hivtestingpolicy04.pdf
5Ralf Jurgens,HIV Testing and Confidentiality:Final Report.Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network & Canadian AIDS Society
6World Health Organization WHO Guideline on HIV infection and AIDS in prisons Switzerland[DB/OL]1993 http://www.unaids.org
7International Center for Prison Studies.Kings College of London.http://www.prisonstudies.org/
8UK AIDS and Human Rights Project(2005),Fact File 6:Prisoners'Rights and HIV Privacy and Freedom From Discrimination in UK Prisons(Available at http://www.aidsrightsproject.org.uk/publications/)
9Judi Fortuin(ed.)Issues in HIV/AIDS in the Australian Prison System ISBN 0 642 18311 2.
10KC Goyer HIV/AIDS in Prison Institute For Security Studies,Monographs/No79:2003(http://www.iss.co.za/Pubs/Monographs/No79/Content.html)