个别可转让配额(ITQs)制度是当前国际渔业管理中比较有效的一种管理手段,我国新版《渔业法》所规定的捕捞限额制度同 ITQs 制度没有本质上的差别。为了严格控制捕捞强度,加大渔业资源和环境保护力度,实施制度优势明显的捕捞限额制度已成为今后我国渔业制度发展的一个必然趋势。鉴于此,本文分析了美加两国引入 ITQs的原因、ITQs 的发展、ITQ 制度的设计及其结果,并结合我国的具体国情提出了自己的观点。
Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQs) management system is an effective management tool in the current international fisheries management. The fishing quota system of the Fisheries Law in China has the same nature with it. In order to control the fishing intensity strictly and increase the intensity of fishery resources and environmental protection, the implementation of the fishing quota system has become an inevitable trend of our fisheries management system. Then this paper notes differences and similarities in the two fisheries (America and Canada) and factors that precipitated the decision to switch to ITQs, the process itself, the design of the two ITQ systems and some of the consequences. At last this paper also gives some views according to Chinese specific conditions.
Chinese Fisheries Economics