麻醉深度指数CSI(cerebral state index)是最新出现的一种麻醉深度监测方法,上市以来在临床镇静监测领域受到多方面的关注和研究。本文从其产生原理,监测的实时性,与主客观评分的相关性,对体动的预测能力,与不同麻醉药物的相关性,费用消耗,以及其他应用和前景等几方面进行综述。
Cerebral state index is a new method of monitoring the depth of anesthesia, and since going on the market it receives attention and research in many ways. In this article its principle, real time character, correlation with the subjective and objective score, and wilh different narcotic, its cost, other application and perspective will be reviewed.
Forum of Anesthesia and Monitoring