3Commissioner Sharon Brown - Hruska, Market Manipulation in the Energy Markets, Keynote Address to the Cornerstone Research Conference, October 2, 2003, PP6 - 7.
4Craig Pirrong, Squeezes, Corpses, and the Anti - Manipulation Provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act, http://www. cato. org/pubs/regulatinon/regv17n4c. html.
5Commissioner Sharon Brown -Hruska,Market Manipulation in the Energy Markets, Keynote Address to the Cornerstone Research Conference [ R]. October 2, 2003.
6Craig Pirrong, Squeezes, Corpses, and the Anti - Manipulation Provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act [R] . http://www. cato. org/pubs/regulation/regv17n4/ reg17n4c. html.
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