
模具虚拟企业项目进度监控预警决策模型 被引量:2

Early-warning Decision Model of the Project Progress Monitoring in Mould and Die Virtual Enterprise
摘要 针对项目驱动的虚拟企业项目进度监控的特点,提出了支持虚拟企业制造环境的项目进度监控预警决策模型,实现了盟主对盟员协作任务状态的监控与预警,并设计开发了一个实验性的面向模具制造动态联盟企业的项目进度规划与监控系统,为我国模具制造企业实现网络化环境下协同设计制造过程的动态规划与监控提供了有效的途径。 In consideration of the Characteristics of project progress monitoring in project driven virtual enterprise, an earlywarning decision model for virtual enterprise project progress monitoring was proposed, which realized monitoring collaborative manufacturing process and early-warning the tasks delay and abnormity at real time. A prototype system of collaborative project scheduling and monitoring for mould and die virtual enterprises was designed and developed. As a result, the research provides a realizable way to schedule and manage the whole collaborative manufacturing process for the mould and die virtual enterprise.
出处 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2008年第1期6-8,56,共4页 Machine Tool & Hydraulics
基金 粤港关键领域招标项目(2005A10207002) 广东省自然科学基金项目(05200197) 校级项目(G2360242)
关键词 虚拟企业 项目监控 预警 决策模型 Virtual enterprise Project monitoring Early-warning Decision model
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