
异构网络中的视频传输服务质量框架 被引量:1

An QoS Framework for Video Delivery over Heterogeneous Networks
摘要 提出了一种无线异构网络中网络感知自适应的视频传输服务质量框架,并描述了完整的框架及框架中的自适应算法。该框架包括可伸缩视频编码模块、服务质量映射模块、带宽估计模块、错误和拥塞控制模块以及接收端的解码输出模块。优点在于:拥塞控制和错误控制机制更加有效;网络条件恶劣时视觉质量平滑下降;网络资源能够有效地被利用。仿真结果证明了自适应服务质量框架性能的改善。 A network-aware adaptive quality-of-service (QoS) framework for video transmission over heterogeneous wireless networks is presented. The whole framework and the adaptive QoS algorithm are described in detail. The framework mainly includes the scalable video coding module, the QoS mapping module, the bandwidth estimation module, the adaptive error, congestion control module, and decoder/output module. The optimized result is the minimum video distortion on the current network condition. The key advantages of the framework are: the error and congestion control mechanism in this framework is more effective, the perceptual quality is degraded gracefully when the network condition is severe, network resources are efficiently utilized. Simulation results demonstrate the performance improvement.
出处 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期90-93,共4页 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60572122)
关键词 带宽估计 前向纠错 服务质量映射 服务质量 bandwidth estimation forward error correction QoS mapping quality-of-service
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