
害羞脑电的AR模型谱分析 被引量:4

AR Model Power Spectrum Analysis on Shyness EEG
摘要 采用电生理测量方法,对400名在校大学生用13条目害羞量表进行心理测验,筛选出害羞被试和不害羞被试共28人,分别记录每个被试的睁闭眼自发脑电(EEG)数据。对两组被试的EEG数据进行AR模型谱估计,结果显示害羞被试在颞叶电极(T8)上的β2波段(20~30Hz)能量均值显著低于不害羞被试,表明害羞被试在颞叶的活动水平显著低于不害羞被试。基于中枢神经系统的情绪通路,探讨了害羞的生理机制,说明害羞有相应的生理基础,可通过脑电分析来研究其神经机理。 In this paper, electroencephalogram (EEG) data are collected respectively for shy and non-shy subjects, totally 28 individuals selected from 400 university students using the 13-item revised shyness scale. The AR model method is applied to estimate the spectrum of those EEGs data, The results show that the average energy of the beta2 band (20-30 Hz) in temporal lobe (T8) electrode for shy subjects is significant lower than that that for non-shy subjects, Based on the general emotional pathway of the central nervous system, possible neurophysiological mechanism is discussed. This primary work implies that shyness is of specific physiological basis and can be investigated by EEG.
出处 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期131-133,144,共4页 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
基金 国家自然科学基金(60736029)
关键词 AR模型 EEG 害羞 颞叶 β2波段 AR model electroencephalogram shyness temporal lobe β2 band
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