
基于企业服务总线的网格GIS集成研究 被引量:4

A Research on Grid GIS Integration Based on ESB
摘要 在面向服务的分布计算架构中,企业服务总线(ESB)提供了服务间智能化集成、管理、中介和交互功能。在利用网格架构的面向服务体系结构中,总结如何利用ESB灵活、开放的集成异构多源的GIS平台和数据源。整体架构基于OGSA,服务集成采用ESB,网格门户和实际GIS平台通过ESB连接,形成基于总线消息驱动的智能化服务集成网格系统。该系统将在Internet平台上广泛互联现有的GIS资源,实现GIS"单系统映射"。通过细粒度服务搭建和配置,生成GIS实例,直接而简单地满足具体的业务需求。 In the service oriented distributed architecture, the grid technology provides a basic architecture for distributed applications,and the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) offers capabilities enabling intelligent integration,management,mediation and interoperability between services. In SOA building on the grid, the article summarizes how to use ESB to integrate GIS platforms and data sources, which are heterogeneous and multi--source. The system architecture is based on Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA), in which the services integration uses ESB, and thus a virtual grid GIS can be built. As an enterprise--integrating schema, ESB can turn a Grid VO into a service provider for applications, and provide a services catalog for applications. The grid portal connects the specific GIS platforms that have been wrapped in web services through ESB. The system would connect and interoperate widely existing GIS resources through the Internet, and forming a "single system image" GIS (SSI GIS). At the same time, the system can create a "GIS Instance" through the orchestration and configuration of a set of fine services, which would satisfy a business flow directly and simply,with little or no new code.
出处 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期10-13,共4页 Geography and Geo-Information Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40501052) 国家863计划项目(2006AA12Z201)
关键词 GIS GRID GIS GRID SERVICE 企业服务总线 空间数据集成 GIS Grid GIS Grid Servlce ESB spatial data integration
  • 引文网络
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