
过度信息市场环境下品牌战略的建构 被引量:2

Constructing the Brand Strategy in the Information Market Environment
摘要 本文认为,目前市场正从信息短缺时代的"信息发现"困难转向信息过剩时代的"信息识别"困难,信息过度与市场信息短缺一样都存在着信息不对称问题,且具有更多的风险,它使企业产品信息与顾客识别之间存在更复杂的冲突。文章提出,品牌在过度信息市场环境下对信息不对称性有弱化作用,在品牌战略建构过程中应力求形成和培育品牌生态系统(基于信用而形成的社会关系网络)效应。 Based on discussing the "excessive information", "excessive information market" and their environment characteristic, this paper puts forward that at present the market state is changing from information shortage times into information excessive times, and the difficulty is not to find information but to distinguish information. So in the market, like the information shortage , the information excessive also bring the problem of "information asymmetry", and there are more risk and more complex conflicts between product information supplying by enterprise and information distinguishing by customer. Accordingly, this paper analyses the mechanism of how brand to reducing the "information asymmetry" effect. At the same time, this paper also brings forward that the brand can not eliminate the "information asymmetry" effect at all, and even in some conditions, the brand can add fuel to the flame. As a result, the main body of this paper carries out the society capital theory to explain and analysis the significance that enterprise should make every effort to form and cultivate "the brand ecosystem" effect under currently excessive information environments when constructing the brand strategy.
作者 刘艳 宋健
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期65-68,共4页 China Business and Market
基金 广东省哲学社会科学发展"十一五"规划课题<过度信息市场环境下的广东品牌战略机制研究>(项目编号:06GO-02) 广州市哲学社会科学发展"十一五"规划2006年课题<过度信息与多样文化市场环境下的品牌建构理论研究>(项目编号:06-YZ3-33)的部分研究成果
关键词 品牌 信息不对称 信息过度 品牌生态系统 社会关系 brand information asymmetry excessive information brand ecosystem social relations
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