

Framework for COTS Component Self-testing with Scenarios and Key Paths
摘要 商业组件的开发者和用户都需要测试组件在未知部署环境下的运行情况.给组件添加自测试功能后,测试效率大为提高.设计了一个商业组件的自测试框架STCCF,在组件代码中嵌入关键运行路径,使用XML描述组件的运行场景、关键路径和与之相关的参数条件,然后读入该描述文件,据此生成基于XML的测试用例集.框架还提供基于反射的自动测试类,执行所有测试用例,并记录测试结果.STCCF已运用到Visual Dware工程,结合工程中一个分布式组件实例介绍它的实现步骤. The component developer and component customer need to test components within unknown deployment environments. The testing is implemented with great efficiency if the self-testing functions are appended to components. To this purpose,we propose one framework named STCCF for self-testing of commercial off-the-shelf component. STCCF injects key run paths into component codes, represents component' s run scenarios, key paths and parameter conditions in XML words. Then, a testing case suit will be generated after reading this XML representation file. The self-testing class based reflection is also provided which can execute all testing cases, and record testing results. STCCF is employed in the project VisualDware. It is introduced how to handle the framework by one practical distributed component in the project.
作者 何海江 肖杰
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期93-97,共5页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50364004)资助
关键词 商业组件 自测试 场景 关键路径 反射 commercial off-the-shelf component self-testing scenario key path reflection
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