传统的铁路地理信息系统多采用二维平面方式进行构建,无法再现真实世界。将三维GIS技术应用在铁路信息化系统建设中,进行有益的探索。提出铁路线路三维GIS的构建框架,分析数据库和系统功能模块体系的设计思想,并探讨基于ArcGIS Engine技术,建设铁路线路三维GIS的实现方法和关键技术。
Traditional Railway Geographic Information System was constructed based on 2-demension and lacked of capability of reflecting the real world. In the paper, beneficiai and forward,looking researches applying 3-D GIS to Railway Information System were performed. It was proposed the framework of railway 3-D GIS, analysised the design ideas of database and architecture of the System. At the same time, the implementation methods and key technologies to construct Railway 3,D GIS System based on ArcGIS Engine were discussed.
Railway Computer Application