

Research on Spatial Difference of Eco-footprint Productive Efficiency in China
摘要 通过构建生态占用的产出效率这一与经济指标紧密结合的指数来表征地区单位GDP对资源和能源的需求强度,并对2003年各省生态占用的产出效率进行了计算,阐述了中国生态占用产出效率的空间分异格局,表明:生态占用的产出效率与经济发展水平呈现正相关关系,在地域上存在东、中、西格局;这一指标与人均GDP、地区R&D经费支出、人均能源消费量、第三产业比重密切相关,且影响力依次减弱;基于对生态占用产出效率的认识,我国可持续生态调控中同样面临效率与公平的问题。图3,表3,参17。 Eco-footprint productive efficiency, which is integrated with the economic indicators to signify the relative output of per capita ecological footprint,is defined. Then that of 31 provinces in 2003 is calculated and analysised. The results show that the eco-footprint productive efficiency improves with the increase of per capita GDP and decreases from east to west in China. It is related with Per capita GDP, expenditure on R&D, the proportion of the tertiary industry in GDP and per capita energy consumption, and their importance decreases one by one. Based on the results, how to balance the justice and efficiency is an intractable but important problem in China.
出处 《农业系统科学与综合研究》 CSCD 2008年第1期114-119,共6页 System Sciemces and Comprehensive Studies In Agriculture
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40571041) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(40635030)
关键词 生态占用 产出效率 地区差异 ecologlcal footprint productive efficiency spatial difference
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