John Murtagh是享誉澳大利亚和国际的全科医生。2005年被《澳大利亚医生》评为最有影响的医生。本栏目特邀John Murtagh对其多年从事全科医学服务中所遇到的典型病例进行总结,采用循证医学观点指导全科医学的诊断和治疗服务,他的分析多是从"病人是否告诉了我什么"出发,阐述了在家庭和社区背景下完整地观察和治疗病人的思想。把"复杂问题简单化"的实用原则发挥到了极致。本栏目将就John Murtagh的系列临床病案以中英文对照的形式进行连续刊登,诚邀国内外同仁对病例中的处理方法与观点进行讨论和争鸣。
The discipline of general medical practice is one of the most difficult and challenging of all the healing arts. General practitioners are at the front line of medicine and have to manage presenting problems as they appear at any time in our clinics. One ever present characteristic is the collection of presenting problems that does not fit the classic textbook presentation of a typical disease. Our patients may present with a 'shopping list' of seemingly unconnected complaints or vague symptoms that we may call 'the undifferentiated illness syndrome'. The following case history illustrates this condition.
Chinese General Practice