
基于新核函数的支持向量机在物体分类中的应用 被引量:2

View-based object classification using SVM with new kernel
摘要 在基于视的物体识别中,将图像的局部信息引入到图像的相似性度量,提出了一种新的图像距离度量,并把它嵌入到支持向量机的核函数中,得到了一种新的核函数——基于局部卡方距离(Chi-square distance)的核函数。物体分类实验结果表明,新算法优于非线性支持向量机,区别张量一阶分解(DTROD),稀疏网络模型(SNW)等方法。 For view-based object recognition,the authors introduced the local image information into image similarity measurement,presented a new image distance measurement,and imbed it into Kernel function used in support vector machines (SVM). a new kernel-local Chi-square distance based kernel was constructed. Experiments showed that it outperforms some methods such as non-linear SVM,Discriminant Tensor Rank-One Decomposition (DTROD),Sparse Network of Winnows(SNW)and so on.
出处 《中国测试技术》 CAS 2008年第1期80-83,共4页 CHINA MEASUREMENT & TESTING TECHNOLOGY
关键词 物体分类 支持向量机 局部卡方距离 区别张量一阶分解 稀疏网络模型 Object classification SVM Local chi-square distance DTROD SNW
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