
滴滴涕对太湖经济鱼类危害的生态风险 被引量:15

Ecological risk of DDT accumulation in economic fishes in Taihu Lake
摘要 选取滴滴涕(dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane,DDT)作为太湖持久性有机氯污染的代表性污染物,以大银鱼、陈氏短吻银鱼和刀鲚为研究对象,建立太湖主要经济鱼类食物网模型,并结合DDT的生物化学特性以及蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)不确定性分析方法,应用食物网模型研究DDT在食物网主要经济鱼类中的迁移分布特性,分析由此导致的生态风险。结果表明:大银鱼DDT累积量为0~0.329mg·kg-1,平均值为0.039mg·kg-1;陈氏短吻银鱼DDT累积量为0~0.188mg·kg-1,平均值为0.022mg.kg-1;刀鲚DDT累积量为0~0.575mg.kg-1,平均值为0.067mg.kg-1;以脂溶性为代表的污染物累积性质是太湖经济鱼类富集DDT的主要控制因素;生态风险总体状况为:刀鲚>大银鱼>陈氏短吻银鱼。 DDT is a representative of persistent organochlorine pollutants. With Protosalanx hyalocranius, Coilia nasus and Salangichthys tangkahkeii as test objects, a food web model of main economic fishes in Taihu Lake was established, with which, the distribution characteristics of DDT in the benthos, zooplankton and fishes of the food web were studied by Monte Carlo simulation method, and one-hit model was used to approach the ecological risk of the DDT distribution. The results showed that the accumulation amount of DDT in P. hyalocranius, C. nasus and S. tangkahkeii was 0-0. 329 ( averaging 0. 039 ) mg · kg^-1, 0-0. 188 ( averaging 0. 022 )mg · kg^-1 and 0-0. 575 ( averaging 0. 067) mg · kg^-1, respectively, and the accumulation character of liposoluble contaminants was the main factor controlling the DDT distribution in economic fishes in Taihu Lake. The overall status of the ecological risk of DDT accumulation in test fishes was the highest for S. tangkahkeii, followed by P. hyalocranius, and C. nasus.
出处 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期295-299,共5页 Chinese Journal of Ecology
基金 欧盟资助项目(ECOST)
关键词 有机氯污染物 滴滴涕 大银鱼 陈氏短吻银鱼 刀鲚 水生食物网 生态风险 organochlorine pollutant DDT Protosalanx hyalocranius Coilia nasus Salangichthys tangkahkeii aquatic food web ecological risk
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