
超窄带中类正弦VMSK调制技术 被引量:1

Sine-like VMSK Modulations of UNB System
摘要 类正弦甚小频移键控(VMSK)调制具有很好的窄带性质和低的误码率,文中依据移动通信中最佳接收机准则,推导出类正弦VMSK信号相干解调时的判决准则,同时分析出在高斯白噪声信道下系统的理论误码率。并且在信道编码上,使用LDPC(低密度奇偶校验码),该LDPC码采用一种基于均衡不完全区组设计(B IBD)的H矩阵构造法,提出利用Steiner三连系构造LDPC,并结合类正弦VMSK进行了一个系统仿真。 It is proved that the sine-like VMSK modulations are narrowband and have lower error rate. The paper deduces the demodulator of sine-like very minimum shift keying (VMSK) signal. Then it gives the academic bit-error rate on an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. We use a kind of Low-Density-Parity-Check-Codes in the channel error codes. In the meantime, the paper discusses a new constitution of the H matrix which is based on the BIBD constitution method. The paper puts forward a new kind of Low-Density Parity-Check-Code which is constituded by Steiner problem.
出处 《电子工程师》 2008年第1期34-36,43,共4页 Electronic Engineer
基金 地理信息科学江苏省重点实验室开放基金(JK20050304)
关键词 VMSK调制 LDPC 解调 误码率 VMSK modulation LDPC code demodulation error rate
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