
时间顺序与时间距离对语言理解的影响:进一步的证据 被引量:3

The Effects of Temporal Orders and Temporal Distances on Language Comprehension:Further Evidences
摘要 探讨时间顺序和时间距离对语言理解的影响,包括2个实验。实验采用关系再认范式(relation-recognition paradigm)和句子—探测再认范式(sentence-probe-recognition paradigm)。实验一探讨探讨在简单句条件下,时间顺序对不同频率事件理解的作用;实验二探讨在复句条件下时间顺序与时间距离对语言理解的影响。2个实验结果一致表明,在语言理解过程中,存在对将来取向(顺时序)的事件进行优先加工处理。时间距离对语言理解的影响取决于不同时距的事件能否整合成情景模型。 Two experiments were conducted to explore the effects of temporal orders and temporal distances on language comprehension. Relation - recognition paradigms and sentence-probe-recognition paradigms were used. Experiment 1 explored the effect of temporal orders on the comprehension of events with different frequencies. The temporal orders were introduced with simple sentences in this experiment. Experiment 2 examined the effects of temporal orders and temporal distances on language comprehension under the condition of complicated sentences. The results of these experiments consistently demonstrated that events with chronological order were processed significantly faster than those with reverse order. The effect of temporal distance on language comprehension depended on whether events with different temporal distances could construct a situation model or not.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期20-25,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 广东省哲学社会科学“十一”规划项目(06SXY004) 北京师范大学心理学博士后流动站研究项目 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(05JZD00034)
关键词 时间顺序 时间距离 情景模型 语言理解 temporal order, temporal distance, situation model, language comprehension
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