
大学生使用BBS的心理因素研究 被引量:2

A Study on the Mental Factors of College Students' BBS-using Behavior
摘要 在理论分析基础上,构建了大学生使用BBS的心理因素及行为模型,并编制问卷,通过对137名大学生的问卷调查对该模型进行了验证。结果表明:1.使用BBS的行为意向和自我效能感对使用行为的预测作用极其显著。2.使用BBS的态度对行为意向有极显著的正向影响。3.使用BBS过程中体验到的实用性和积极感受对于态度有显著的正向影响,而在使用BBS过程中体验到的危害性对态度有负向影响。4.互联网自我效能感对使用BBS的自我效能感有极其显著的正向影响,但对使用BBS的态度无显著影响。5.使用BBS的自我效能感和控制感对使用行为的影响不显著。 The research developed the research model based on theoretical analysis. With a self-edited questionnaire and the participation of 137 college students, the research yielded data to validate the model. The result showed that 1. The intention of using BBS and BBS-using self-efficacy had significant direct effect on the using behavior; 2. BBS-using attitude had significant effects on the intention; 3. Perceived usefulness and positive feeling had significant direct effects on the attitude. Perceived harmfulness had significant negative effects on attitude; 4. Internet self-efficacy had significant direct effects on BBS-using self-efficacy. Internet self- efficacy had no significant direct effect on attitude; 5; Perceived controllability had no direct effect on BBS-using behavior and intention.
作者 崔丽娟 刘琳
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期205-209,199,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 大学生 BBS 心理因素 BBS, college student, mental factor
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