
小儿颈椎椎间盘钙化症(附7例报告) 被引量:3

Calcification of the Cervical Intervertebral Disc in children:A Report of Seven Cases
摘要 我院收治小儿颈椎间盘钙化症患者7例,男4例.女3例,平均8.9岁。临床表现为预部疼痛,活动受限.头颈歪斜和脊髓神经受压症状和体征;颈椎间盘钙化均为单发,颈(3-4)1例,颈(4-5)3例,颈(5-6)2例.颈7-胸11例。钙化灶呈球形、椭圆形、蝌蚪状、或烛泪样向后突出压迫脊髓。3例曾被误诊。1例因外院手术失误而遗留鹅颈畸形,其余6例以颈托固定等保守疗法均痊愈。随访6~18月无复发。讨论:小儿椎间盘钙化症发病率低、病因不得,多见于5-10岁的小儿,无性别差异.多在颈椎,钙化可消失;分为消退型、潜伏型、静止型。除少数因脊髓受压需手术外.大多数可用非手术治疗而痊愈。 Seven children who suffered from calcification of the cervical intervertebral disc(CCID) were admitted in our hospita1. Four of them were male and other three were female, mean age was 8. 9 years old. The clinical demonstrations ineluded pain and stiff neek, limitation of corvical spine motion,signs or symptoms of compression of thc spinal cord and/or nerve roots, laboratory cvidence of inflammation, CCID on the X-rays films. Three cases were misdiagnosed at the beginning. One case was wrong operated and left goose-neek deformity. The other six cases were given conservative treatment and had got satisfactory results. No reoccurrence was found in the following-up from six to eighteen months. Discussion The incidcncc of calcification of thc ccrvical intervertebral disk in children was quite low.Its ctiology remains obscure. It was usually seen in the children wih the age of five to ten years old. There were no significant sex differences. The patients were divided into three groups:no-symptom, disappearing, silent.They need not-surgical treatment cxeept for those with sovere spinal cord compression by the calcified intervertebral disc.
出处 《颈腰痛杂志》 1997年第3期148-151,共4页 The Journal of Cervicodynia and Lumbodynia
关键词 椎间盘钙化症 颈椎 儿童 Calcification Intervertebral disc Children
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