Objective Investigate the relation between the extent of pathological lesions of diabetic nephropathy(DN) and the clinical symptoms of DN. Method Histological classification (1-4 degree) was performed for 36 DN patients and the correlations bemeen clinical symptoms and the pathological results was analyzed. Results ①The quantity of proteinuria in 24 hous was increasing with the aggravation of the extent of rehal damage of DN, hut when developed to degree 4, as the amount of the sclerotic glomerulus greater than 50%, the quantity of urinary protein was decreaseing; ②The patient in degree with higher postive rate of immunohistochemical staining of urine hemituria and microscopic hematurid than other 3 degrecs; ③The most common clinical symptoms of the DN were edema (77%) and hypertension(57. 2%), the incidence was increashing with the aggravateion of the pathological lesions. There was statistic difference between the positive in patients beyond degree 2 4 and the ther 3 groups (P〈0. 05); ④The incidence of retinopathy was 86. 2%, there was 100% degree; ⑤The incidence of diabetic cardiovascular disease was 57. 2%; ⑥ For neuropathy, cerebrovascular disease and the incidence of cataract there were no correlation with the extent of pathological changes of DN. Conclusions The common clinical symptoms of the DN are edema and hypertension; the positive rate of staining of urine hemituria and the quantity of proteinuria in 24 hors distinctly increase due to the aggravation of the extent of pathological lesion; There is a close relation between the retinopathy and DN; the cardiovascular diseases also show some relation with the DN.
Journal Of Clinical Nephrology
Diabetic nephropathy
Pathological lesion
Clinical analysis