
基于步态的身份识别研究 被引量:1

Research on Gait-based Identity Recognition
摘要 本文对步态识别的国内外研究现状做了概述;介绍了基于步态的身份识别的过程,并阐述了在步态识别各阶段用到的一些方法;列举了常用的几个步态数据库,指出了它们各自的特点;对步态识别的下一步工作进行了探讨。 The paper narrates the present researches from home and aboard on gait -based identity recognition. We introducedthe process of gait -based identity recognition, elaborated some typical methods for each step of gait recognition, enumeratedseveral common databases and pointed out their own characteristics. And we carried on discussion on the next -step work.
出处 《微型电脑应用》 2007年第12期8-10,15,共4页 Microcomputer Applications
基金 国侨办基金资助(04QZR03)
关键词 步态 隐马尔可夫模型 混合高斯模型 特征提取 主成分分析 Gait Hidden Markov models (HMM) Gaussian mixture model (GMM) Feature extraction Principal ComponentAnalysis (PCA)
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