
婴儿及儿童房室阻滞的起搏治疗 被引量:3

Permanent endocardial pacing in infants and children with atrioventricular block
摘要 目的总结我院34例婴儿及儿童经心内膜方式永久起搏器植入术经验,探讨相关的方法学、参数设置及评价疗效。方法患儿34例,其中男性22例,女性12例,年龄自5个月至13岁,平均(5.26±3.92)岁,体重5~43(16.66±8.42)kg。其中:先天性心脏病术后三度房室阻滞18例;先天性心脏病术后高二度及三度房室阻滞3例;先天性三度房室阻滞8例;重度肺动脉瓣狭窄伴二度房室阻滞1例;窦性静止1例;心房静止l例;慢-快综合征1例;病毒性心肌炎后三度房室阻滞1例。起搏器植入技术、程控及随访等有一些与成人起搏不同的特殊性。结果选择插管的静脉途径为,经右头静脉10例,经右锁骨下静脉17例,经右颈内静脉6例(5例为1岁以下),心内膜电极行心外膜起搏1例。脉冲发生器的埋藏部位为,置于右侧胸大肌内16例,置于右胸前皮下18例。起搏方式为,VVIR 16例,VVI18例。起搏频率60~90(68.09±9.85)次/min,起搏阈值0.2~2.2(0.72±0.41)V,感知灵敏度3.6~29.0(8.97±4.87)mV,阻抗394~1000(652.06±140.72)Ω。所有患儿体动阈值均设置于低挡。18例术后首次植入起搏器的患儿,距植入术日13~300(67.17±90.25)d。巳随访1个月至7年。1例术后7个月发生电极导线头端移位至起搏功能丧失。2例随访中发生扩张性心肌病,经改变起搏参数后好转。2例先天性心脏病术后患者起搏器植入后恢复窦性心律。1例起搏器植入术后半年猝死,原因不明。结论我们的经验表明只要注意与婴儿及儿童有关的一些特点,并在植入、程控及随访中采取一些相应的对策,永久起搏器植入在婴儿及儿童的应用还是安全有效的。 Objective Thirty-four cases experience with permanent endocardial pacing in infants and children were summarized to the efficiency of permanent cardiac pacing. Methods Thirty-four patients [ male in 22,female in 12; mean age, (5.26 ±3.92) years,range 5 months -13 years; mean body weight, ( 16. 66 ± 8. 42) , range 5 - 43 kg-underwent permanent endocardial pacemaker implantation. Indications were advanced second-or third atrioventricular block after repair of congenital heart diseases (21 cases ), congenital complete atrioventricular block ( 8 cases), severe pulmonary stenosis and advanced second atrioventricular block ( 1 case), sinus arrest ( 1 case), silent atrium ( 1 case), brady-tachycardia syndrome ( 1 case), complete atrioventricular block post acute myocarditis (1 case). There were some special skills in implant technique, program- ming and follow-up for infants and children. Results Venous access: via the right cephalic vein ( 10 cases), via the right subclavian vein ( 17 cases) ,via the right internal jugular vein (6 cases ,5 cases under 1 year old) , epicardial pacin^g with endocardial lead ( 1 case). The pulse generators were buried within the right pectoralis major muscle (16 cases and 18 cases respectively). Pacing mode: VVIR 16 cases,VVI 18 cases. The range of pacing rate was 60-90 (68. 09 ± 9. 85 ) bpm. The range of pacing threshold at 0. 4 ms was 0. 2 - 2. 2 (0. 72 ± 0. 41 ) V. The range of sensitivity threshold was 3.6 - 29. 0 (8. 97 ± 4. 87) mV. The range of lead resistance was 394 - 1000(652.06 ± 140. 72) Ω. The rate response programmed to low. The range of the time from the operation day to the implantation day was 13 - 300 (67. 17 ±90.25 )days. Follow-up time was 1 month - 7 years. Lead displacement in 1 case at 7 months post implantation. The dilated cardiomyopathy occurred in 2 cases and improved after reprogramming. The sinus rhythm recovered in 2 cases. The sudden death occurred in 1 case without the known etiology. Conclusion The results of this study showed that permanent endocardial pacing in infants and children is safe and efficient.
出处 《中华心律失常学杂志》 2007年第6期471-474,共4页 Chinese Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmias
关键词 永久起搏 心内膜 婴儿及儿童 Permanent pacing Endocardial Infants and children
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