
阿拉伯国家联盟决策机制研究 被引量:2

A Study of the Decision-making Mechanism of the League of Arab States
摘要 阿盟采取不同的决策程序和方式来满足成员国复杂的利益关系和要求,其决策机制由多种要素构成,拥有多层次决策机构。阿盟决策机制既具有自身的特点,又存在一定的缺陷。从阿盟决策机制的历史变迁、决策要素的权责分配、决策程序与方式等方面进行分析,有利于系统理解阿盟决策机制的本质,也有助于理解阿盟在阿拉伯国家间以及中阿关系中所能起到的真正作用。 The decision-making mechanism of LAS, which consists of multi-faceted decision-making organs, adopts various decision-making procedures and principles to meet the complicated interest demands of its members. However, LAS has defects in its practice and institutional arrangements as well: low efficiency, ambiguous concepts of functions and powers between the organs, inflexible rules and so on. This article begins with the historical development and change of LAS' decision-making mechanism, then analyses the functions and powers of its organs and the procedure of its making decisions. This will help the readers to understand the decision-making of LAS better and the real role that LAS can play in the inter-Arab and Sino-Arab relations.
作者 陈万里 赵军
出处 《阿拉伯世界研究》 2007年第6期18-25,共8页 Arab World Studies
关键词 阿盟 决策机制 决策机构 决策程序 决策方式 Decisions LAS Decision-making Mechanism Organs Procedures and Principles of Making
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