
甾体激素医药工业废水降解菌的分离与特性 被引量:1

Isolation and Characteristics of Steroids Pharmaceutical Wastewater-Biodegrading Strains.
摘要 从江苏省某甾体激素医药原料企业工业废水取样,经定向富集培养技术进行该类型废水降解功能菌株的分离,在好氧条件下分离得到54株细菌。通过高效菌的配伍分析,最后选择出了6株高活力功能降解菌,并初步鉴定为不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter sp.),编号:CDUT QY-12;假单胞杆菌属(Pseudomonas sp.),编号:CDUT J-1、H-2、QU-5和醋酸杆菌属(Acetobacter sp.),编号:CDUT Q-1、X-3。以选出的高效降解功能菌组合培养物,对废水样品的处理试验,经COD和TLC分析表明,确证其具有生物降解甾体激素医药工业废水的能力。 54 strains were isolated from steroids pharmaceutical wastewater samples in the anaerobic condition by enrichment culture. The wastewater samples collected from a factory in Jiangsu Province. Based on the paired of highly efficient strains, 6 high- effect wastewater- degrading strains were bred, and were primarily identified to be Acinetobacter, serial number: CDUT QY- 12;Pseudom- onas, serial number: CDUT J- 1, H- 2, QU- 5 and Bacillus aceticus, serial number: CDUT Q - 1 ,X - 3. Through a procedure of the combinated bacteria cultures, six of bacteria strains were screened for their ability to biodegrade the wastewater via an analysis of COD and TLC in this factory, and these analytical data indicated that these bacteria culture can be used in the treatment of wastewater from this type of steroids pharmaceutical factory.
出处 《新疆环境保护》 2007年第3期27-31,共5页 Environmental Protection of Xinjiang
关键词 甾体药业 废水 生物降解 steroids pharmaceuticals wastewater biodegradation
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