文章介绍了在嵌入式WINCE系统下开发USB摄像头图像采集系统的方法,给出并实现了基于三星S3C2410处理器的嵌入式图像采样系统的设计方案,并对如何编写Windows CE.Net下的摄像头图像采样USB驱动程序要点进行了讨论。因WINCE下没有考虑对众多USB设备的驱动,对于每种USB设备都要自己编写相应的驱动,所以本文实现了较通用的USB摄像头驱动编写,对其他USB摄像头和其他USB设备在WINCE上的实现有一定的参考价值。
This paper introduce how to develop USB camera image acquisition system in embedded WINCE, also give and implement a embedded image sampling system program in Samsung S3C2410 processor. More, we discuss the important elements how to write USB camera driver in Windows CE. Net. Because the large number of USB Device Driver haven't been considered in WINCE, we should write driver for each USB device accordingly. Therefore, in this paper we implement a more generic USB camera driver, and it have some reference value to the other USB cameras or other USB devices which will bel use in WINCE.
Electronic Technology