
普鲁士改革中的乡镇自治与市民社会的培育 被引量:6

Rural Self-government and Cultivation of the Civil Society in the Prussian Reforms
摘要 "市民社会"概念是从欧洲历史发展中演绎出来的,但市民社会本身并没有一致的共同模式,而只是一种具有特质的社会现象。德国市民社会的发展也有自己的特点。以普鲁士改革中的乡镇自治为重点考察对象,不难探讨出德国市民社会建立的模式:普鲁士国家借助法律手段和对公众舆论的掌控,强行规范公民的政治参与,使农民和城镇市民从家庭、血缘、社团、行会等传统权力的支配下解放出来,卷入国家政治生活,为他们的发展创造新的社会空间。在普鲁士市民社会的形成过程中,国家是积极的参与者和推动者,国家与社会之间存在着某种相辅相成的关系。当然,国家与社会间的特殊关系也带来了负面后果,它导致了西方式的议会民主在近代德国难以建立。 The concept of "civil society" was deducted from the development of European history. There is no normal model. It varied from state to state. This article will take Prussian Reforms as an investigative case, trying to discuss the pecualities of cultivation of the civil society in Germany. The Prussian state took a very important role in the formation of the civil society. It imposed regulations to make the citizens involved in the local Political activities with the aids of laws and the public opinions. The negative effect of this interaction between the state and the society is the delaying of the establishment of parliamentary democracy in Germany.
作者 徐健
机构地区 北京大学历史系
出处 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期86-92,共7页 Journal of Historical Science
关键词 普鲁士 市民社会 乡镇自治 公众舆论 Prussia civil society rural self-government public opinion
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