利用2000年Landsat TM及2005年CBERS-2/CCD影像数据作为主要信息源,综合各种属性数据和统计资料,在GIS软件平台上,进行模式识别、专题分类、图谱表达,利用GIS的空间分析功能建立鄯善绿洲景观要素类型变化信息图谱,并创立属性数据库,从地学图谱的角度来分析干旱区绿洲景观要素在时间和空间上的特征变化,进行景观要素量化指标的统计,分析复杂的生态景观时空变化。
The ecological landscape information spectrum is one kind of the geo-info-spectrum. Regarding the research of ecological landscape type in arid areas of Xinjiang, analyzing the change of landscape pattern by using quota research technique of the landscape ecology can not get a direct-viewing and precise expression. Using geo-info-spectrum method to study the dynamic change of landscape essential factors in arid areas, by taking the mode of the graph, and making natural, humanities and ecological factors and any other conditions together to the overall evaluation is helpful to study the change of typical landscape type and to solve the ecological environment problems. The basic data are Landsate TM data in 2000, CBERS- 2/CCD data on 2005 - 06 - 12, the attribute data and statistic data. They are computed with the software of GIS, to identify mode, to classify landscape and to express the classification. Finally, the change information spectrum of Shanshan oasis landscape essential factor type is established to get the attribute database by using the GIS spatial analysis function. From the point of view of geo-info-spectrum we can analyze the space-time change of arid areas oasis landscape essential factor and make statistics of the value of the landscape factors, which can serve as the reference for the construction of landscape.
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas