
锑黄铜组织与性能的研究 被引量:9

Microstructure and Properties of Stibium Brass
摘要 采用熔铸、轧制的方法生产出了以锑代铅的环保型无铅易切削黄铜板材。通过SEM、OM对锑黄铜的微观组织进行了分析,并对其力学性能进行了研究。结果表明,锑主要以金属间化合物存在于β相以及α和β相的相界处;主要力学性能与HPb59-1铅黄铜相当,锑黄铜的抗拉强度为461.72MPa,屈服强度为213.3MPa,伸长率为15.67%。研制的锑黄铜替代铅黄铜,具有可行性。 A new environmental friendly free cutting brass containing stibium instead of lead was produced by casting and rolling. Its microstructure was observed and its mechanical, dezincing and cutting properties were studied. The results showed that stibium, mainly as intermetallics, distributed in β phase as well as at the interface of α/β phase. The tensile strength, yield strength, elongation of Sb-brass is 461.72 MPa, 213.3 MPa and 15.67%, respectively. So it is a feasible substitute for HPb59-1.
出处 《铸造》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期59-62,共4页 Foundry
基金 国家"十一五"重点课题支撑计划(2006BRE03B02)
关键词 无铅黄铜 组织结构 力学性能 unleaded brass stibium microstructure mechanical property
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