
一种新型的代理签名方案的改进 被引量:2

Improvement of a New Proxy Signature Scheme
摘要 该文对谷利泽(2005)等人提出的一种新型的匿名代理签名方案进行密码分析,指出此方案是不安全的,它无法抵抗原始签名人的伪造攻击,并给出了4种攻击方法。针对此方案的缺陷,提出了两种改进方案,并证明改进后的方案是安全的,可抵抗原始签名人恶意的伪造攻击。 In this paper, a new anonymous proxy signature scheme proposed by Gu Li-ze et al.(2005) is cryptanalyzed in detail and is proved that this scheme is not secure against the original signer's forgery attack and then four methods to attack the new scheme are found. To avoid these attacks, the new scheme is revised and two improved schemes are given. Finally, the improved schemes are concluded that they are both secure against the original signer's forgery attack.
作者 郭刚 曾国平
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期245-248,共4页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
关键词 数字签名 代理签名 匿名性 可追踪性 Digital signature Proxy signature Anonymity Traceability
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