
视频多核处理器结构 被引量:4

Novel multicore video processing architecture
摘要 随着多核处理器系统复杂度的增加以及视频标准多样性的增加,视频多核处理器的设计难度和成本也大幅度增加。为了得到一个通用而又高效的多核处理器设计平台,以减小多核系统设计的复杂度,提出一种新型视频多核处理器结构。该结构采用新颖的任务管理和同步机制。基于该结构实现了MPEG4标准Simple Profile的实时解码器。测试结果表明:该结构可以容易地实现对MPEG4视频流的实时解码,对于视频信号处理有较高的效率。该结构能够容易地支持多标准应用,可以作为一种灵活通用的媒体处理器设计原型。 Multicore architectures provide high computational capacity and high throughput, so they are very useful for video processing applications, However, the increasing designs complexity and cost of the multicore system make it very difficult to use. Video processing applications need a generic, flexible video processing multicore platform for a wide variety of video standards. This paper presents a flexible heterogeneous multicore architecture system on video applications. An MPEG4 simple profile decoder was implemented on the multicore architecture. The performance shows that the generic, flexible media-processing design platform architecture can efficiently enhance video processing applications.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期70-73,共4页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
关键词 视频信号处理 媒体处理器设计 多核结构 并行结构 video signal processing multimedia processor design multicore architecture parallel architecture
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