目的探讨基于稳态的三维高分辨扩散加权成像序列(3D DW-SSFP)在颅神经成像中的应用价值。方法对12例志愿者行3D DW-SSFP序列和常规MRI扫描,将获得的3D DW-SSFP序列原始图像进行最大信号强度投影(MIP)、薄层MIP、多曲面重组(MPR)等后处理,由2名高年资放射科医师观察并参照格氏解剖学图谱评价后处理影像,评价内容包括颅神经显示情况、影像质量。结果3D DW-SSFP序列能够产生信号均匀且对比良好的颅神经影像,除嗅神经以外的所有颅神经颅内段,头、面、颈部所有颅神经颅外段主要分支均能清晰显示。结论3D DW-SSFP序列能够准确清楚地显示颅神经主干及分支,对于颅面部颅神经病变的诊断和治疗具有十分重要的意义,也为周围神经成像提供了一种行之有效的方法。
Objective To depict the normal anatomy of cranial nerves in detail and define the exact relationships between cranial nerves and adjacent structures with three-dimensional high resolution diffusion-weighted MR sequence based on SSFP technique (3D DW-SSFP). Methods 3D DW-SSFP sequence was performed and axial images were obtained in 12 healthy volunteers, Post-processing techniques were used to generate images of cranial nerves, and the images acquired were compared with anatomical sections and diagrams of textbook, Results In all subjects, 3D DW-SSFP sequence could produce homogeneous images and high contrast between the cranial nerves and other solid structures, The intracranial portions of all cranial nerves except olfactory nerve were identified; the extracranial portions of nerve Ⅱ-Ⅻ were identified in all subjects bilaterally. Conclusion The 3D DW-SSFP sequence can characterize the normal MR appearance of cranial nerves and its branches and the ability to define the nerves may provide greater sensitivity and specificity in detecting abnormalities of craniofacial structure.