
中国和印度不平衡发展的比较研究 被引量:19

Uneven Growth in China and India
摘要 本文考察了中国和印度近年来经济增长不平衡的情况,并分析了不平衡增长对不均等和贫困的影响。通过对家庭调查数据和官方加总数据的分析,本文发现增长存在不平衡——区域间、产业间和家庭层面上,这表明减贫工作进展不平衡,若增长更平衡,减贫效果可能更好;另外,收入不均等程度也在提高。本文探讨了增长不平衡及其应引起重视的原因。具体讨论围绕"有利的"和"不利的"不均等两个概念展开——不均等与不平衡增长对公平性以及长期增长与发展的有利或不利影响。我们认为,需要制定相关政策,保持有利的不均等——继续鼓励创新和投资,同时降低不利的不均等的程度,尤其是通过人力资本和农村基础设施投资,帮助贫困人口参与市场。 The paper reviews evidence on the ways in which recent economic growth has been uneven in China and India and what this has meant for inequality and poverty. Drawing on analyses based on household survey data and aggregate data from official sources, we show that growth has indeed been uneven-geographically, sectorally and at the household-level and that this has meant uneven progress against poverty, less poverty reduction than might have been achieved had growth been more balanced, and an increase in income inequality. The paper then examines why growth was uneven and why this should be of concern. The discussion is structured around the idea that there are both "good" and "bad" inequalities-drivers and dimensions of inequality and uneven growth that are good or bad in terms of what they imply for both equity and long-term growth and development. We argue that policies are needed that preserve the good inequalities-continued incentives for innovation and investment but reduce the scope for bad ones, notably through investments in human capital and rural infrastructure that help the poor connect to markets.
出处 《经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期4-20,共17页 Economic Research Journal
关键词 增长 发展 不平衡 贫困减少 Growth Development Uneven Poverty Reduction
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