

摘要 ◆蜂群衰竭失调的征兆 蜂群衰竭失调的一个重要征兆是成蜂数量骤减而无任何死蜂的累积。成蜂不归巢,离开幼蜂和蜂王甚至聚集成小簇蜂群。这种情形之所以不典型是因为蜜蜂是社会性的群居昆虫,一个复杂而有组织的群体。不能归巢被视为是极不寻常的,缺乏大量死蜂使得分析蜂群失调原因变得十分困难,而且缺乏证据表明蜂巢也可能被袭击过。在大量丢失的蜂群里,数量不足的工蜂仍继续哺育幼虫,巢内由年轻工蜂担当。虽然蜂王还在,似乎很健康并能照常产卵,但剩余的蜂群很难去吃所饲喂的食物,采集活动大大减少。
出处 《中国蜂业》 2008年第2期51-52,共2页 Apiculture of China
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  • 1vanEngelsdorp, D. et al., Fall Dwindle Disease: Investigations into the Causes of Sudden and Alarming Colony Losses Experienced by Beekeepers in the Fall of 2006, Dec. 15, 2006.
  • 2Interview with Maryann Frazier, Senior Extension Agent, Pennsylvania State University, Jan. 28, 2007, at [http://podcasts. psu.edu/taxonomy/term/62].
  • 3Henderson, C., Tarver L., Plummer D., Seccomb R., Debnam S., Rice S., Bromenshenk J., and Glassy J., U.S. National Bee Colony Loss Survey, Preliminary Findings with Respect to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), March 26, 2007, at [http:// www.beealert.info/].
  • 4vanEngelsdorp, D., Cox Foster, D., Frazier M., Ostiguy, N., and Hayes, J., Fall DwindleDisease: Investigations into the Causes of Sudden and Alarming Colony losses Experienced by Beekeepers in the Fall of 2006, Dec. 15, 2006.
  • 5vanEngelsdorp, D. et al., Fall Dwindle Disease: Investigations into the Causes of Sudden and Alarming Colony losses Experienced by Beekeepers in the Fall of 2006, Dec. 15, 2006.
  • 6MAAREC, Colony Collapse Disorder, at [http://maarec.cas. psu.edu/FAQ/FAQCCD.pdf].
  • 7Cox Foster, D., Pennsylvania State University, Statement before the Subcommittee on Horticulture and Organic Agriculture, U.S. House of Representative, March 29, 2007, at [http://agriculture .house. gov/testimony/110/h70329/CoxFoster.pdf].
  • 8Henderson, C., Tarver L., Plummer D., Seccomb R., Debnam S., Rice S., Bromenshenk J., and Glassy J., U.S. National Bee Colony loss Survey, Preliminary Findings with Respect to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), March 26, 2007, at [http:// www.beealert.info/].
  • 9Rexrod, C., USDA's ARS, Statement before the Subcommittee on Horticulture and Organic Agriculture, U.S. House of Representative, March 29, 2007, at [http://agriculture. house. gov/testimony/110/h70329/Rexroad.pdf].
  • 10Organic Consumers Association, Honey Bee Health & Colony Collapse Disorder, at [http://www.organicconsumers.org/ bees.cfm].








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