
混合超宽带多微微网干扰模型及性能改善 被引量:1

Model for Hybrid UWB Multi-Piconet System Interference and Performance Enhancement
摘要 蓝牙和超宽带核心技术的结合,将会进一步推进无线高数据速率网络的发展。在这篇论文中,提出一种新型的微微网系统模型,即实现蓝牙拓扑和MB-OFDM超宽带技术的结合,考虑路径损失的影响和使用TFC编码来模拟所提出方案的相邻微微网间干扰。用BER比Eb/N0曲线图来评估所提出的干扰模型。最后,提出一个6频带的方案来改善所构造的混合系统的性能。仿真结果表明,文中所提出的模拟结构胜过以往传统的模型。 The combination of UWB and Bluetooth would further promote the development of wireless high data rate network. In this paper, a novel piconet system model is proposed, which implements the combination Bluetooth topology and MB-OFDM UWB technology, and which considers both the path-loss effect and the using of TFC code to model the Inter-piconet Interference of the proposed scheme. By simulating, the BER vs. Eb/NO curve is used to evaluate the interfering model. Finally, a 6-band scheme is presented to enhance the performance of hybrid system. Simulation result shows that the proposed scheme can outperform conventional multi-piconet system in BER performance.
出处 《通信技术》 2008年第1期94-95,101,共3页 Communications Technology
关键词 蓝牙 超宽带 多频带OFDM 微微网 Bluetooth UWB MB-OFDM Piconet
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