
和平队与美国对第三世界外交的软实力 被引量:18

Peace Corps and the Soft Power of American Diplomacy to the Third World
摘要 和平队是美国政府应对苏联挑战的重要举措之一。肯尼迪建立和平队的初衷就是要利用美国在经济、技术和文化上的整体优势,同苏联争夺广大的中间地带,并通过和平队向新兴的发展中国家输出美国文化及价值观念,将第三世界国家的发展纳入美国为首的西方阵营所期待的轨道。显然,和平队在美国对外关系中发挥了一定的作用,美国政府对和平队的投资产生了预期的效果,基本上实现了成立和平队的目的。志愿者在受援国的工作,为受援国带来了一些现实的或长远的利益;加深了受援国特别是受援国的基层民众对美国的了解;而通过志愿者这一媒介,同样也增强了美国对世界其他地区的了解。除了上述美国政府公开宣称的目标外,和平队作为美国对外关系的"软实力",服务于美国的国家利益,在向海外特别是发展中国家输出美国文化及价值观念方面发挥了很大的作用。 The Peace Corps was just one of the American government's important measures to deal with the Soviet challenges. Kennedy's original intention for the establishment of Peace Corps was to struggle for the great middle belt with the Soviet Union by making use of American overall advantage in economy, technology and culture, he also intended to bring the third world countries into the expectant orbit of the West Camp headed by the United States, by way of the Peace Corpses output of American culture and values into the newly developing countries. It is thus obvious that the Peace Corps did play a certain role in the America's foreign relations, that American government's investment in the Peace Corps had arrived at the expectant effect, and that they had realized the purpose of its establishment. The main embodiments are as follows;the Peace Corps brought some realistic or far-reaching profits for the recipient countries through the volunteers' work there; the volunteers gained a better understanding of the recipient countries, in particular the grass-roots people; they also promoted the understanding between America and other areas around the world. Apart from the above purposes that American government had officially declared, as the "soft power" of America's foreign relations, the Peace Corps served for America's national profit, and it played a great role in the output of American culture and values to the overseas, especially those developing countries.
作者 刘国柱
机构地区 浙江大学历史系
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第1期35-44,共10页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大资助项目(05JJD770118)
关键词 和平队 志愿者 肯尼迪 第三世界国家 软实力 Peace Corps volunteer Kennedy the Third World soft power
  • 相关文献


  • 1Joseph S. Nye,"Redefining the National Interest,"Foreign Affairs, Vol. 78(July-August 1999), pp. 22 - 35.
  • 2John Spanier, American Foreign Policy Since World War Ⅱ ,Washington,D. C. :CQ Press,1988.
  • 3Elizabeth C. Hoffman, All You Need Is Love: The Peace Corps and the Spirit of 1960s, Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 1998.
  • 4William J. Lederer & Eugene Burdick, The Ugly American ,New York:Norton ~ Company, 1958.
  • 5Brent Ashabranner, A Moment in History : The First Ten Years of the Peace Corps, New York:Doubleday Company, 1971.
  • 6David Burner, John F. Kennedy and the New Generation, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1988.
  • 7Sargent Shriver, Point of the Lance, New York : Harper & Row Publishers, 1964.
  • 8Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. , A Thousand Days, John F. Kennedy in the White House, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1965.
  • 9Nicholas Schneider & Nathalie S. Rochhill, John F. Kennedy Talks to Young People ,New York: Hawthorn Books, Inc. , 1968.
  • 10Gerald T. Rice, The Bold Experiment : J FK's Peace Corps, Indiana : University of Notre Dame Press, 1985.


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  • 2[15]小莫尔第墨·阿得勒.美国年鉴:第18卷[M].芝加哥,1976.63.
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  • 4Richard J. Walton, Cold War and Counterrevolution: The ForeignPolicy of John F. Kennedy, The VikingPress 1972.
  • 5President Kennedy on the Peace Corps. http://www. peacecorps. gov
  • 6Karen Schwarz, What You Can Do for Your Country: An Oral History of the PeaceCorps, William Morrowand Company 1991.
  • 7Brent Ashabranner, A Moment in History: The First Ten Years of the Peace Corps,Doubleday &Company1971.
  • 8Peace Corps History. http://www. peacecorps. gov
  • 9Gerard T. Rice, The Bold Experiment :JFK's Peace Corps, University of Notre DamePress1985.
  • 10Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman, All you need is love: The Peace Corps and the spirit of1960s, Harward UniversityPress 1998.












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