
天一阁与《四库全书》——论天一阁进呈本之文献价值 被引量:3

On the Value of Books Presented to Siku Quanshu by Tianyi Pavilion
摘要 天一阁进呈图书640种,其中近六分之一入选《四库全书》,七分之五入选《四库全书总目》。以《韩魏公别录》三卷为例,即可了解天一阁进呈本在《四库》编撰过程中发挥的关键作用。天一阁进呈本以明代文献为主,有明人著述413种,其中不见于《明史.艺文志》著录的有250余种,多为有关边疆、海防,有裨实用,事关国计民生的著作,具有不可磨灭的历史文献价值。 Abstract: In answer to the imperial decree of nationwide book collecting for the compilation of Siku Quanshu or Complete Library of Four Treasuries (classics, history, philosophy and literature) during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing dynasty, Tianyi Pavilion (a famous private library built by Fan Qin in the Ming dynasty) presented 640 kinds of books, of which 96 or nearly one sixths of the total were fully transcribed into Siku Quanshu. Many of these transcribed books were de luxe or rare editions. In addition, 473 kinds or nearly five sevenths were recorded in the General Catalogue of Siku Quanshu (the best bibliography in ancient China), which records a great contribution to the said compilation. Take Separate Collection of scattered writings was collected by of the Ming Dynasty and a simp Hanwei Gong for example. Originally, only one volume of Siku Quanshu compilers from Great Encyclopedia of Yongle le synopsis was written for the General Catalogue of Siku Quanshu. The volume was replaced by the Separate Collection in three volumes presented by Tianyi Pavilion, which is the complete original edition by a Song scholar. A synopsis reritten was full and accurate, despite some corrections to be made concerning the compilers' conclusion in the synopsis. Fan Qin, an intellectual with rich social experience and different values, mainly collected books about national economy and people's livelihood written in the Ming dynasty, which are of great realistic and historical value. Those presented by Tianyi Pavilion included 413 kinds by Ming scholars, over 250 of which failed to be recorded in History of the Ming Dynasty. Classics, History, Philosophy and Literature. The years 1772--1795 witnessed the brilliant historical period for the collection and research of cultural classics in ancient China, to which Fan's Tianyi Pavilion had made great contribution. This library, demonstrating its special value to the world, is known as the carrier of China's traditional culture and the symbol of China's book-collecting culture.
作者 崔富章
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第1期148-155,共8页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 天一阁 进呈本 《四库全书》 文献价值 Tianyi Pavilion presented books Siku Quanshu (Complete Library of FourTreasuries) the value of literature (on different subjects)
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  • 1中国历史第一档案馆编.《纂修四库全书档案》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1997年.
  • 2陈昌图.《南屏山房集》卷二一,乾隆五十六年陈宝元刻本,1791年.
  • 3永镕.《四库全书总目》,北京:中华书局,1965年.
  • 4骆兆平.《伏跗室赠书目录前记》,《书城琐记》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2000年,第233-238页.
  • 5《纂修四库全书档案》第105,106页《浙江巡抚三宝奏呈续获天一阁等家遗书目并<永乐大典·考工记>六本摺》.
  • 6《新编天一阁书目》,(北京)中华书局1996年排印版.
  • 7杜泽逊.《四库提要》续正[J].中国典籍与文化,2006(3):58-60. 被引量:1
  • 8清华大学图书馆藏康熙抄本.《周易阐理》四卷,卷尾光绪二十九年十一月十六日桂芬《跋》.
  • 9金涛.《新编天一阁书目·序》,(北京)中华书局1996年版.
  • 10顾廷龙主编.《中国古籍善本书目·史部》,(上海)上海古籍出版社1991年排印本.












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