Chinese Science Bulletin
1Ebbesen T W, Lezec H J, Ghaemi H F, et al. Extraordinary optical transmission through sub-wavelength hole arrays. Nature, 1998, 391 (6665): 667-669.
2Raether H. Surface Plasmons on Smooth and Rough Surfaces and on Gratings. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1988.
3王春艳,李莹辉,熊江辉,谭映军,于建茹.SPR细胞传感器对PMA诱导的C6活细胞内分子事件的动态无创性监测[J].科学通报,2006,51(7):802-807. 被引量:2
4Qu D, Grischkowsky D, Zhang W. Terahertz transmission properties of thin subwavelength metallic hole arrays. Opt Lett, 2004, 29(8): 896-898.
5Xing Q, Li S, Tian Z, et al. Enhanced zero-order transmission of THz radiation pulses through very deep metallic gratings with subwavelength slits. Appl Phys Lett, 2006, 89(4): 041107.
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7Azad A K, Zhao Y, Zhang W. Transmission properties of terahertz pulses through an ultrathin, subwavelength silicon hole array. Appl Phys Lett, 2005, 86(14): 141102.
8Azad A K, Zhang W. Resonant terahertz transmission in subwavelength metallic hole arrays of sub-skin-depth thickness. Opt Lett, 2005, 30(21): 2945-2947.
9Azad A K, He M, Zhao Y, et al. Effect of dielectric properties of metals on terahertz transmission in subwavelength hole arrays. Opt Lett, 2006, 31(17): 2637-2639.
10Thio T, Ghaemi H F, Lezec H J, et al. Surface-plasmon-enhanced transmission through hole arrays in Cr films. J Opt Soc Am B, 1999, 16(10): 1743-1748.
1王春艳,熊江辉,钟萍,杨唐斌,李娜,李莹辉.一种基于表面等离子体共振技术的生物小分子检测方法[J].航天医学与医学工程,2005,18(2):126-129. 被引量:4
2Hide M,Tsutsui T,Sato H,et al.Real-time analysis of ligand-induced cell surface and intracellular reactions of living mast cells using a surface plasmon resonance-based biosensor.Anal Biochem,2002,302(1):28-37
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1蔡侠,陈华才,董前民.金属表面等离子体激发的实时场分布研究[J].中国计量学院学报,2013,24(2):190-194. 被引量:2
2张斗国,王沛,焦小瑾,唐麟,鲁拥华,明海.表面等离子体亚波长光学前沿进展[J].物理,2005,34(7):508-512. 被引量:8
3顾本源.表面等离子体亚波长光学原理和新颖效应[J].物理,2007,36(4):280-287. 被引量:40
4Raether H. Surface Plasmons on Smooth and Rough Surfaces and on Gratings. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1988.
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7Fang N, Lee H, Sun C, et al. Sub-diffraction limited optical imaging with a silver superlerls. Science, 2005, 308:534--537 .
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9Ditlbacher H, Hohenau A, Wagner D, et al. Silver nanowires as surface plasmon resonators. Phys Rev Lett, 2005, 95:257403.
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1赵忠生.一类复方程的格林函数法[J].工程数学学报,1992,9(1):122-122. 被引量:2
2刘国华,常露,张维,邝丽丽,尹文武,牛文成.SPR传感技术的发展与应用[J].仪表技术与传感器,2005(11):1-5. 被引量:13
5蔡兆云.灰色系统理论在数据拟合中的应用[J].计算技术与自动化,2001(z1):44-47. 被引量:1
7邓海东,叶志清,聂义友.金属包覆多层ATR生物传感器的理论研究[J].传感技术学报,2004,17(1):172-174. 被引量:1
8王佺,聂仁灿,周冬明,金鑫,贺康建,余介夫.多目标粒子群优化PCNN参数的图像融合算法[J].中国图象图形学报,2016,21(10):1298-1306. 被引量:12