利用触角电位记录(EAG)技术,测定了小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon(Rottemberg)雄蛾对性信息素标准化合物Z7-12:Ac(A)、Z9-14:Ac(B)、Z11-16:Ac(C)、Z5-10:Ac(D)和Z8-12:Ac(E)的EAG反应。结果表明:这些标准化合物均能引起EAG反应,其中组分A(Z7-12:Ac)引起的反应最强,为5.65mV,组分B(Z9-14:Ac)和C(Z11-16:Ac)居中;组分D(Z5-10:Ac)的EAG反应值最小,为2.50mV。二元混合物、三元混合物、四元混合物和全组分的EAG反应较高,其EAG反应值均显著高于单组分的反应值。三元混合物ABC的反应值最高,与5头雌蛾腺体的正己烷浸提液的EAG值相当。在使用剂量为0.01ng^100μg反应内,小地老虎雄蛾触角对性信息素各组分及其混合物的剂量反应曲线大致呈"S"形。从不同日龄雄蛾对标准化合物的反应中,发现在羽化后第3天达到最高值,之后则随日龄增加EAG反应降低。
The EAG responses of the male black cutworm moth, Agrotis ypsilon (Rottemberg) to standard chemicals of sex pheromone, i.e., Z7-12:Ac (A), Z9-14:Ac (B), Zll-16:Ac (C), ZS-10:Ac (D) and Z8-12:Ac (E), were measured. The results showed that all the standard chemicals tested could elicit the EAG responses. Among the five components, component A ( Z7-12 : Ac) elicited the highest EAG response (5.65 mV), B (Z9-14:Ac) and C (Z11-16:Ac) elicited the second highest EAG, while D (ZS-10:Ac) elicited the lowest EAG (2.50 mV). The binary compounds, trinary compounds, four components compounds and full components compounds were also able to elicit higher EAG response, which were significantly higher than that of single component. The trinary compound ABC could elicit the highest EAG response, equal to that by the extracts of 5 female sex pheromone glands. The dose-response test of male antenna to each component and the compounds of sex pheromone took on the "S" type approximately with the increase of dose from 0.01 ng to 100 μg. From the response of male moths of different age to standard chemicals, we found that the response value reached the peak on the third day, and then reduced with the increase of age.
Acta Entomologica Sinica