The refractive index profiles of 3 MeV O^2+ ion-implanted planar waveguides in lithium niobate are reconstructed based on etching and ellipsometry techniques. SRIM2003 code is used to simulate the damage distribution in waveguide. It is demonstrated that the index profile of this kind of waveguide, extending to several micrometres in depth, can be determined by etching in combination with following ellipsometric measurements. A good agreement is found between the simulated damage distributions in waveguide and the index profiles based on experimental data, and the width of refractive index barrier is wider than the result of SRIM2003.
The refractive index profiles of 3 MeV O^2+ ion-implanted planar waveguides in lithium niobate are reconstructed based on etching and ellipsometry techniques. SRIM2003 code is used to simulate the damage distribution in waveguide. It is demonstrated that the index profile of this kind of waveguide, extending to several micrometres in depth, can be determined by etching in combination with following ellipsometric measurements. A good agreement is found between the simulated damage distributions in waveguide and the index profiles based on experimental data, and the width of refractive index barrier is wider than the result of SRIM2003.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 10735070. We would like to thank Professor Ke-Ming Wang at Shandong University for helpful discussion. We also thank Dr Hong-Ji Ma and Rui Nie at Peking University for their help in ion implantation.