

An Empirical Analysis on Social Stratum of Coastal County in Southeastern China during the Process of Social Transformation——A Case Study of Jinjiang City in Fujian Province
摘要 本文大致参照"当代中国社会结构变迁研究"课题组的分层标准,将晋江市人口划分为十大社会阶层和五种社会地位等级,认为晋江市呈"锥形"的社会阶层形态,即从以农业劳动者阶层占多数的社会阶层结构逐步变迁为以产业工人阶层和商业服务业员工阶层占优势的社会阶层结构。本文进一步认为,晋江优势地位阶层的开放性在减弱,与其他弱势地位阶层之间的断裂特征在增强;中间阶层的规模在不断扩大,但阶层内部差异较大,尚未形成较为一致的阶层意识;弱势阶层将缩小,但与中间阶层及优势阶层之间的社会不平等将继续存在。 According to the stratum standard of the subject of 'research on the social structural changes of contemporary china ', Jinjiang city's populations can be divided into ten social stratum or five social status classes. This article holds that Jinjiang city's stratum structure looks like 'cone', in other words, it changes from the traditional social stratum structure in which the majority is the class of agriculture labors to the new social stratum structure in which the majority is the class of industrial workers and commerce and service industry's employee. Furthermore, the opening degree of social stratum of Jinjiang city's advantage status decreases, the fracture characteristics between the advantage status class and the other classes become more obvious; the scale of 'the middle class' keeps enlarging, but the internal differences of 'the middle class' are great, the stratum consciousness of 'the middle class' is still not formed; weak classes will decrease more and more, but the social inequality between the weak class and the other class will still exist.
作者 程丽香
出处 《中国农村观察》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期51-60,68,共11页 China Rural Survey
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"当代中国中等收入阶层的实证研究"(项目编号:06CSH010)的阶段性成果之一
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