
基于光场的渲染技术研究 被引量:5

Light Field-Based Rendering
摘要 基于图像的渲染技术(Image-Based Rendering,IBR)逐渐成为场景渲染的主要手段之一,目前已有大量的基于此技术的方法提出,其中光场渲染(LightFieldRenderin,LFR)是在不需要图像的深度信息或相关性的条件下,通过相机阵列或由一个相机按设计好的路径移动把场景拍摄下来作为输入图像集,对于任意给定的新视点,找出该视点邻近的几个采样点进行简单的重新采样,就能得到该视点处的视图。本文采用两平面参数化的方法设计实施了一套光场渲染的软件方案,用光场渲染的方法实现了真实场景中物体的实时漫游。 IBR( Image -based rendering) technique gradually become one of the major means of scene rendering, A number of techniques have been proposed for flying through scenes by redisplaying previously rendered or digitized views. Most techniques has been proposed for interpolating between views by warping input images by using depth information or correspondences between multiple images. In this paper, we describe a simple and robust method - LFR ( Light Field Rendering), for generating new views from arbitrary positions without depth information or feature matching, acquainting a group of images of one scene taken by an array camera or one camera moved through intended path, simply by combing and resembling several nearest neighbors. In this paper, we will research a software solution to realize scene displaying by LFR of Two-Plane Parameterization, realize the real-time roaming of real objects in the scenes.
出处 《微计算机应用》 2008年第2期22-27,共6页 Microcomputer Applications
关键词 基于图像的渲染 光场 渲染 插值 Image- Based Rendering, Light Field, Rendering, Interpolation
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