
指称转喻在文学语篇中的诗学功能 被引量:9

The Poetic Function of Referential Metonymy in Literary Texts
摘要 虽然指称转喻在文学作品中很常见,很早就被人们注意和运用,但目前指称转喻的研究主要集中在指称转喻在句子中的指称功能和语篇中的衔接功能,很少关注到指称转喻在文学语篇中的诗学功能。指称转喻不仅是一种简单的语言现象或修辞手段,而且还是文本建构者思考事物、认识世界的一种认知方式,是读者理解和阐释文学语篇的一种思维方式。除了具有指称功能外,指称转喻还具有重要的诗学功能。 Although referential metonymy prevails in literary texts, noticed and applied very early, the research about it focuses on its referential function in utterances and transitional function in texts, with the poetic function in literary texts scarcely paid attention to. Referential metonymy is not only a simple linguistic phenomenon or figurative means, but also a cognitive means by which textual builders think over things and know about the world and a thinking means by which readers understand and interpret literary texts. Besides with the referential function, referential metonymy has the vital poetic function.
作者 周福娟
出处 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期102-105,共4页 Journal of Soochow University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)
关键词 指称转喻 诗学功能 指称功能 referential metonymy poetic function referential function
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