
双组分纳米流体强化泡状吸收过程的实验研究 被引量:20

Experimental Study on Enhancement of Bubble Absorption with Binary Nanofluid
摘要 文章的主要目的是利用双组分纳米流体作为吸收工作介质来强化NH3/H2O泡状吸收的过程。在实验中,配制了稳定的CNTs-ammonia双组分纳米流体,并利用泡状吸收实验装置进行了双组分纳米流体的泡状吸收实验。对颗粒的质量百分比和氨的初始浓度等因素对双组分纳米流体强化泡状吸收过程的影响进行了系统的实验研究,并分析了其强化机理。实验结果表明,CNTs-ammonia双组分纳米流体的吸收强化效果随着纳米碳管质量百分比的增加而先增加后下降,并且随着纳米流体中氨的初始浓度的增加而增加。 The experiment was conducted to explore the influences of some factors on the heat and mass transrer ennancement of NH3/H2PO bubble absorption using carbon nanotubes(CNTs)-ammonia nanofluids as the working medium. The mechanism of the binary nanofluids enhancing bubble absorption was discussed accordingly, The results show that the effective absorption ratio increases firstly and then decreases with the increase of the mass fraction of CNTs. Moreover, the effective absorption ratio increases with the initial concentration of ammonia.
出处 《制冷学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期8-12,共5页 Journal of Refrigeration
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50476072)
关键词 工程热物理 吸收强化因子 泡状吸收 双组分纳米流体 纳米碳管 Engineering thermophysics Effective absorption ratio Bubble absorption Binary nanofluid Carbon nanotubes (CNTs)
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