
萨达姆时期伊拉克与美国关系 被引量:1

U.S.-Iraq Relations in Saddam Hussiem Age
摘要 萨达姆执政时期,伊拉克与美国关系经历了25年的风风雨雨,期间,既存在过尖锐的对立关系,也有过短暂的"蜜月"关系。两伊战争时,伊美关系出现了建设性接触。冷战结束后,伊美引发了海湾危机及海湾战争。随后两国展开了12年"遏制"与"反遏制"的激烈斗争。九一一事件后,美国对伊拉克进行重点打击。面对美国的打击和威胁,萨达姆实施了不屈不挠的内外政策,凸显他的强硬政治手腕和外交风格。然而,伊拉克战争推翻了萨达姆政权,2006年"宰牲节"之日,萨达姆被处以绞刑,自此结束了伊拉克的萨达姆时代。但局势并没有好转,伊拉克的重建任重而道远。 During the Age of Saddam Hussiem,Iraq and U.S.had kept complicated relations for about 25 years.There were times of confrontation and times of honeymoon during that time.Iraq and U.S.conducted constructive contacts during the Iraq-Iran War.After the end of Cold War,the Gulf Crisis and Gulf War broke out because of the differences of strategies between Iraq and U.S.After the Gulf War,Iraq and U.S.conducted 12 years' fierce struggle for 'Containment to Anti-containment' After the event of September 11,U.S.added the signs 'axis of evil' and 'rogue states' to Iraq.But Saddam Hussiem still carried out a strong policy against U.S.and showed his stubborn political and foreign attitude.At last,U.S.and UK bypassed the UN and launched the war against Iraq,and overthrew Saddam Hussiem regime.Saddam Hussiem was gibbeted on the day of Corban in 2006 and ended the Age of Saddam Hussiem.Now the situation in Iraq remains in turmoil and there is a long way for rebuilding the society of Iraq.
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期32-38,共7页 West Asia and Africa
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  • 1See John Bulloch & Harvey Morris, The Gulf War-Its Origins, History and Consequence, Methuen Lond Ltd. , 1989, p. 75.
  • 2赵伟明著.《中东问题与美国中东政策》,时事出版社.2006年版,第296页.
  • 3See Christopher Dickey & Evan Thomas, "How Saddam Happened", Newsweek, September 23, 2002.
  • 4Epstein, "The World Embargo on Food Exports to Iraq", Congressional Research Service, September 25, 1990.
  • 5See The White House, presidential documents, Presidential Determination Number 90 -7 of January 17, 1990, Application of Export - Import Bank Restrictions in Connection with Irap, p. 1.
  • 6See The White House, presidential documents , Memorandum of Justification for a Waiver of EXIM Restrictions with Respect to Iraq, January 17, 1990.
  • 7[美国]科林·鲍威尔著;王振西主译.《我的美国之路》,昆仑出版社,1996年版,第519页.
  • 8军事科学院军事历史研究部著.《海湾战争全史》,解放军出版社,2002年版,第85-86页.
  • 9See David Lea ed. , A Political Chronology of the Middle East, London: Europen Publications Limited, 2001, p. 90.
  • 10See David Lea ed. , A Political Chronology of the Middle East, London: Europen Publications Limited, 2001, p. 91.



  • 1蒋春馥.伊美关系三十年回眸[J].当代世界,1998,0(4):13-14. 被引量:5
  • 2杨明星.试论两伊战争及其遗产[J].阿拉伯世界,2005(2):49-52. 被引量:4
  • 3赵伟明.中东问题与美国中东政策[M].北京:时事出版社,2006.
  • 4杨兴礼,冀开,陈俊华.伊朗与美国关系研究[M].北京:时事出版社,2006年.
  • 5彭树智.二十世纪中东史[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2001..
  • 6兹比格涅夫·布热津斯基.实力与原则:1977-1981年国家安全顾闯回忆录:中译本[M].北京:世界知识出版社,1985:634.
  • 7John Bulloch, Harvey Morris.The Gulf War-its origins, history and consequence [M].London: Methuen Lond Ltd,1989:75.
  • 8Patrick E.Tyler. Officers say US aided Iraq in war despite use of gas [N].New York Times, 2002-08- 18(16).
  • 9臭利弗·诺思.受到攻击:美国的一个故事[M].中译本.北京:世界知识出版社,1992:322.
  • 10Richard Halloran. What price US patrols in the Gulf [N]. New York Times,1988-02-21(2E).









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